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March Newsletter

Kate Debow Hayes

Feels like Spring Fever is at an all time high! Here in Central Wyoming we were snowed in on Tuesday and today it is 50 degrees! There are some exciting things

coming up as we bring the first quarter to an end. I'll get to some of these, but how are you ending Q1? Let's think about that as you explore the March Newsletter.

Building Character

This year I am dedicating some of my energy to developing character traits I admire in others. I have decided to focus on a few each quarter, hopefully making them habit at the end of that time. This quarter, I am focusing on self-discipline, reliability and determination. Whew! This has been quite a learning experience. I have had to come up with strategies that support my success in these areas and habits to support those strategies. Honestly, if I can win in the self-discipline area, I think all the others will come naturally.

One of the ways I stay on track with this is I have a clear picture of what my life would look like in the future if I succeed. I also have a vision of what my life and business would look like if I am not successful. I prefer the first option.

Here are some thought provoking questions for you to think about and talk about with you freinds and family:

- Is there a character trait you see in someone else that you admire and would like to emmulate?

- What does this trait mean to yo - define it.

- What would you have to change in your daily life to introduce that into who you are on a regular basis?

- What would you have to STOP doing in your daily life to introduce that into who you are on a regular basis?

Check out this TedTalk and let me know what you think

Habits Make Good Company

If you haven't seen movement on the goals you set 2 months ago, maybe it's time for you to instill some new habits, and stop doing some other things. It can seem like an arduous task - formulating a new habit - but you can do it. Probably not in 28 days, sorry to say, but it can be


I will share my strategy of instilling a new habit. I have 13 habits that I track ( 10 are daily 2 of them are weekly and one is monthly). I have them on a spreadsheet and every day I complete that I get a dot in that box for that day. Simple really. Then I can look back on the week, see where I was successful and where I struggled.

This also serves as a measurement tool for my goals. My habit tracker is linked to one of my goals. If I am struggling to do the daily tasks that I have identified will get me to my goals, then reaching my goal seems like a distant reality. So I need to adjust.

I love this system because it doesn't allow you to go too long without seeing a pattern. Once you see that pattern and adjust - there you are - back on your way toward your goal!

I'd be happy to share my habit tracker with you. If you are interested, reach out!

"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"

- Vincent Van Gogh

High Ground News!

I am so grateful for the people and organizations that have trusted High Ground Coaching and Development with their needs. We have had an amazing start to the year and I am pleased to share them with you.

As Planning Coordinator for Wyoming Women's Legislative Caucus we had a great Leap into Leadership event Feb. 18/19th. We had over 70 women together to talk about leadership and running for office. The evening of the 18th, we gathered for dinner and heard Abigail Harrison (Astronaut Abby) talk about the amazing work she is doing with her non-profit Mars Generation as well as hear about her plans to be the first person to walk on Mars!

The next day we heard from Superintendent Balow and took a great tour of the newly remodeled Capitol - it was a great two days!

High Ground Coaching has joined the Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce and will be hosting a Red Carpet Opening at MillerPromotions in Cheyenne Thursday, May 7th at 10am. More details to come!

March 17th, HGCD is honored to be moderating Pancakes and Politics in Cheyenne featuring legislators from Laramie County discussing the 2020 Legislative Session. Don't miss it if you live in SE Wyoming!

These are two more ways High Ground Coaching and Development will be fulfilling its mission to bring personal and professional development to more people in Wyoming.

Thank you to both of these fantastic organizations for trusting HGCD with your important missions.

Connect 2 Women Update

Registration is open!

This year's two day Connect 2 Women Conference will by in Cheyenne, May 20/21st! Make sure you follow us on Facebook and subscribe to the website to be the first to know more!

The agenda has not been published yet, but stay tuned here and on Facebook to be the first to know!

Right now, Early Bird pricing ($140) will run through April 15th.

Special Thanks!

What's Coming Up?

Want to catch up with HGCD? If you would like to set up a time to get together and discuss how we can work with you or your organization, let's get it scheduled! Calendars are filling up for the spring, so get your dates reserved early. If you want to get together to discuss how HGCD can help your organization, let's make a coffee date!

We will be in the following cities:

Casper March 12/13

Cheyenne March 17th

Casper March 19th

Riverton March 23rd -31st March 31st

April is a crazy month with trainings - for HGCD! Yes, we are heading to Washington, DC for in depth campaign consulting training! Just more that we can offer our amazing clients and communities!

But, if you are in the following cities and would like to visit, let's do it!

Cheyenne April 2-6th

Washington DC April 7-10th

Cheyenne April 15-17th

Washington DC April 19-27th

We can always set up a call otherwise, or if you are in the Fremont County vicinity, we are usually there when not on the road!

What do you need? Here is just a sample of workshops/presentations High Ground Coaching and Development can bring to your organization. Need something you don't see? Just call!

We love to hear your comments/feedback on content and services! Please email us at

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