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Afraid of Risks?

Kate Debow Hayes

5 Small Steps To Work Through the Fear

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Researchers have found that Emerson was onto something. In a 1994 study on risk and decision-making, entrepreneur researcher Norris Krueger Jr. and strategic marketing professor Peter Dickson discovered that small, measured risk-taking behaviors can increase confidence and self-efficacy, the “I think I can” positive psychology that enhances goal achievement.

So the more experiments you make, the better you get at making them. And the more risks you take, the more positive your risk experiences become. If the idea of risk-taking still makes your palms sweat, try to increase your comfort level by taking a small risk before embarking on a bigger one.

1. Take on a Physical Challenge

I'm not talking about getting off the couch and running a Spartan Race! While that may

be really fun for some, you can certainly start small.

It’s pretty amazing how far your idea of “possible” can expand once you start something. You don’t need to be able to see the finish line. You don’t even need to believe, at first, that you can finish at all. Believing that you can just get started is enough. You’ll figure out the rest as you go.

Here is a 30 Day Plank Challenge to get you motivated! Just because the photos in the link are women, doesn't mean men can't do this as well! I've completed a different plank challenge before, this one has more diversity and myself and my husband are undertaking this starting March 1st - FRIDAY!

Who's with us?

2. Publicly State Your Biggest Goal

If you have trouble taking ownership for the things you want to do, a great solution is to make the whole world know about it. Go out on a limb and tell people what you want to do and why you want to do it. Some will call you crazy, some will brush you off, but some will encourage you and check-in on your progress.

Publicly stating my own biggest goals has spurred me to pursue them much faster than I ever would have without the accountability, and it only takes getting over that first moment of fear to do it.

Starting March 1, High Ground Coaching will have a program available to help you get from dream to reality. Check back here for the link March 1st.

The Spring Boost will also be announced on our Facebook Page, and in the Events Page March 1-31.

What’s your biggest secret desire? Who can you tell it to?

3. Tell Someone You Appreciate Them

Do you have a hard time telling people you appreciate them? Do you even think about it? Showing your appreciation for someone is a powerful act that strengthens any relationship, but it’s not always the most comfortable thing to do. Make a commitment to yourself to do it on regular basis and see how much confidence you gain and how many people you affect. It actually not only helps you in those ways, it helps the others in their role of accepting that gratitude.

Who’s done something great today? How can you let them know you noticed?

4. Learn About a Religion You Don't Know About

Religion can do good things for people, but where it’s patently flawed is that it typically prescribes one righteous path and all those that go another are damned. This idea can be so ingrained in people's identity that learning about a competing belief can seem threatening to your own.

But people of the world believe different things for different reasons and knowledge is never the enemy, testing your beliefs is never harmful, and understanding competing views can never hurt you. Perhaps they’ll strengthen your resolve in your own. You can learn from books, people and online research. A great place to start is The Faith Club. It is a great read about women of different religions coming together to learn about each other and how to explain these differences to their children.

Do you know someone of another faith? Is there another faith you don't understand?

5. Speak in Public

I know, this is the #1 fear still residing in the hearts and minds. Is it that you fear the

speaking part or that someone may not agree with your ideas? So, start small. Start by volunteering to introduce speakers - this gets you in front of people, without the commitment of holding their attention for any length of time.

Another great way to get used to all eyes on you is join a Toastmasters Club. These provide you with a venue, a pathway, feedback and support to make you not only a confident, well-spoken public orator, but also strengthen your leadership muscle through the International Organization Leadership Pathways.

If you are in a town of any size, you may find a club near you! I am in the process of helping set up a Wind River Toastmaster Club in Riverton, WY. If you in the area, stop by!

What do you have to tell the world? Where can you tell it?

Happy Risk Taking!

Tell us what you steps you are taking by commenting on our facebook page!

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